Stress is available in a variety pack of physical exertion, mental fatigue and emotional anguish. You can obtain just one or consider them as collectors items until you have all of them.
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to thebody.
Does this sound like a proverb? It is. It's found in the old testament chapter eighteen and verse four.
Wisdom is like a gushing stream [sparkling, fresh, pure, and lifegiving].
This is another proverb in chapter sixteen and verse twenty four.
"So, You Think You Can Stretch?" "All God's creatures stretch when they wake up, except for people. " That's what my chiropractor used to tell me. We're in too big of a hurry to get towork, school, etc. Think of muscles like play dough. You need to warm it up to work with it. When you are finished playing with it, you need to mold it and shape it to put it away. With muscles, you stretch before doing a task you haven't recently performed. This prevents injury.
As we age and may be less active, we can't just go do a half day yard project, lift multiple boxes for moving, mow the lawn, go belly dancing, start an aggressive work out, lift weights or do other types of activity that our body isn't used to doing. It is necessary to prepare by stretching, priorto the different activity. Plan an hourly break for 5 minutes. During the breaks- sit, drink water and stretch. When you have finished your activity,stretch one more time. The final stretch sends a signal to the muscles tostop producing extra lactic acid. The build up of lactic acid in the muscles causes next day muscle pain and stiffness. This stretching at the end of the activity prevents the muscles from being very sore the next day.Try it. You'll like it!
No pain is gain!
What are the rules of stretching?
1. No bouncing
2. First inhale
3. Move slowly
4. Hold the position when you feel a little bit of a pull
5. Hold the extended position for 6 seconds while slowly exhaling
6. Do not stretch if there is pain (Pain is a warning signal.)
7. Do not move the neck in a circular motion. (This is very bad for theneck.)
8. Keep breathing. Don't hold your breath.
9. Repeat steps one through 8 until you feel limber.
M a r y A n n e P a l u m b o, 407-756-4947
MA38837 MM18457
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